Lavorazione confezionamento oli burri cosmesi naturale produzione conto terzi

small batch private label cosmetic production | private label natural cosmetic production Contacts


La Duellepi Srl

Registered Office: Via Gropallo, 3/9 - 16122 Genova

Operational Site: Via Laiasso, 2r. - 16141 Genova

Tel: +39 (0)10/8368230 - Fax: +39 (0)10/8354467

General Informations:

Commercial Office:

Office hours: 8.30-13.00 / 14.00-17.30

Warehouse: 8.00-12.30 / 14.00-16.30

CF/PI: 01338060997





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La Duellepi srl
Via Bartolomeo Parodi 259/A - 16014 Ceranesi (GE)